Staying on track and ultimate success in the Veterans Treatment Court is measured by progression through 4 phases:
Phase 1 (3 Months): This is initial phase where Mentees learn about the Veterans Treatment Court processes and begin the structured program designed to assess and provide the required assistance in the areas of medical treatment, family issues, employment and housing to ensure successful completion of the program and to build the foundation for a successful life afterwords.
Phase 2 (5 Months): This phase recognizes successful integration into the program with consistent progress and demonstrated responsibility in attending meetings, progress in finding employment or educational pursuits, and beginning the process of articulating developing life goals and aspirations.
Phase 3 (4 Months): This phase recognizes extended success in meeting the program’s performance, education, and developmental goals. Specifically it celebrates success in overcoming personal challenges, completing basic counseling, identifying a personal life plan based on personal growth and responsibility that will lead to success.
Phase 4 (6 Months): This final phase recognizes significant personal recovery and development. It begins the transition back into society with full personal responsibility for ones actions and success. It is based on a life plan developed and lived during this program.
Entering into this program and achieving each phase recognizes the desire of the Mentee and support of the community in achieving full recovery and the successful reintegration into society. As you can see from the photos below each phase brings celebration and a determination to continue to graduation and a successful life beyond. Join us in celebrating the success of our Mentees!!
Phase III Mentees: (note: as the Cobb Veterans Program just passed its one year milestone, so there are no Phase IV Mentees or Graduates — yet!!)
Phase II Mentees: