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Bravo Victor Fund LTD

Cobb County
Treatment and Accountability court

Mentor Program

Providing assistance to the veterans who have served our nation…

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What is the Bravo Victor Fund?

The Bravo Victor Fund is a 501 (c)(3), non-profit organization, focused on supporting the Cobb County Veterans Accountability and Treatment Court. The Bravo Victor Fund provides funding to support the veterans participating in the Cobb County VATC. These veterans have committed serious misdemeanors or minor felonies that carry a jail sentence. Most of the participants of the program enter the program directly from incarceration, with no income or recourses. The Bravo Victor Fund’s mission is to provide the critical/emergency resources that are needed to help them transition through the program. The Fund is used to help them stay in and
complete the treatment program.

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More About Us

Cobb County Veterans Accountability and Treatment Court (VATC) seeks to divert eligible veteran defendants with substance dependency and/or mental illness who are charged with felony criminal offenses, to a specialized criminal court. The court substitutes a treatment problem solving model for traditional court processing. Veteran participants are identified through evidence-based screening and assessments. Cobb County Veterans Accountability and Treatment Court (VATC) seeks to divert eligible veteran defendants with substance dependency and/or mental illness who are charged with felony criminal offenses, to a specialized criminal court.

Veterans Graduated

The court substitutes a treatment problem solving model for traditional court processing. Veteran participants are identified through evidence-based screening and assessments. Many veterans are known to have a warrior’s mentality and often do not address their treatment needs for physical and psychological health care. Often those who are referred to the VATC are homeless, helpless, in despair, suffering from alcohol or drug addiction, and others have serious mental illnesses. Their lives have been spiraling out of control. Through this program, the veteran is offered the opportunity to address the underlying conditions through treatment so that the veteran can regain stability, strengthen their family, and obtain housing and employment.

An essential part of VATC is the addition of volunteer veteran mentors as part of the support team that encourages, guides and motivates mentees to complete the 18 month treatment program for physical, psychological and substance abuse conditions stemming from their military service. A properly trained and engaged veteran mentor will develop an active and supportive relationships with the mentee and will increase the mentees chances of recovery.

Our goals

Our Mission and Vision.

Our Mission

Bravo Victor fund’s mission is to support the Cobb County Veterans Accountability and Treatment court and the veterans rehabilitated through the program. Due to the rigors and restrictions of the court program, employment opportunities are somewhat limited. We work to ensure that every veteran has access to resources for basic needs to remain in the program through graduation.

Our Vision

Our vision is to have veterans graduate at a high rate from the CVATC program with the tools needed to sustain a productive life, free of addiction, and crime. The program is producing lasting results in public safety resulting from a low recidivism rate from graduates. The taxpayer burden of incarcerating law-breaking veterans is being replaced with tax revenues generated from productive, tax paying veterans.


What does the Veterans Accountability and Treatment Court Offer through Mentorship and the Bravo Victor Fund?

Financial support

We help our struggling participants if they require financial assistance.


We have furniture available for participants as they move from incarceration or group housing to longer term housing.

Emotional Support

All members of our program understand what you’re experiencing, we relate to you.

Life Structuring Guidance

We provide guidance for continuing your track in personal growth and development.

Reconnecting Advice

We provide guidance for how to best reimplement yourself back into society.

A diverted path

Our meetings will help to get you back on the right path avoiding the standard justice system

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Make a difference for our veterans

Donate now to help our veterans lead the happy and healthy lifestyle they deserve. Bring change to our hero’s lives to help them get back on track.Tax free receipt provided with every donation.

Support our veterans by making a small donation

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Meeting Location

Cobb Superior Court, 70 Haynes Street, Marietta, GA 30090

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